standard equipment
With the Härtel Wasser, the right equipment for your waterjet cutting system. This allows you to optimize your work processes and make them more efficient. We offer you a wide range of accessories so that you can put together the right equipment for your 2D or 3D waterjet cutting. Our experts will be happy to help you make the right choice.
Trust in our many years of experience and improve your productivity with our high-quality equipment.
Vertrauen Sie auf unsere langjährige Erfahrung und verbessern Sie Ihre Produktivität mit unserer hochwertigen Ausstattung.
Water jet cutting system for practice
The Härtel water jet cutting system is the perfect solution for everyone who needs a reliable and field-tested cutting system and equipment. Thanks to our many years of experience in the field of waterjet cutting, we can offer you a system that is always configured depending on your range of products and your expertise in waterjet cutting.
This gives you a tailor-made solution that is tailored precisely to your requirements. Our water jet cutting system impresses with its medium to high precision (depending on the requirement) and cutting quality. By using the latest technology, it enables you to work quickly and efficiently. It can be used extremely flexibly and is suitable for both small and large series.
Convince yourself of the numerous advantages of our Härtel water jet cutting system and rely on reliable equipment that meets the highest demands.
Precision dosing system
Our dosing system ABRA FEED is a precision dosing system. Additional viewing window on the material chute. Capacity 1 kilo
Active height sensor
Our 3-axis or 5-axis waterjet cutting systems are always equipped with a height sensor. This is an active height sensor with collision protection in the axes.
Collision protection x and y axis
The collision sensor is not used to adjust the distance of the focusing tube to the material, but is used to protect the cutting head from side impact (collision). (In the direction of the X and Y axes)
Fix the starting point with a laser
Optionally equipped with a laser on the Z-axis to fix the starting point
Additional hand control
This manual control is also included in our water jet cutting systems from 1.5 x 3.0 m. All axes can thus be controlled by hand.
Optical camera to set
camera is installed, it is possible
Capture images of the cutting area, which will be used as a background for placing the cutting program. This greatly simplifies this process.
Part organizer
Part Organizer is a customer-specific module for the P 886 control system. The purpose of the module is to facilitate the placement of cutting programs. It also includes additional features that extend the functionality of P 886.
Abra System 250
Abra System 250 is a fully automatic system for transporting abrasive (abrasive sand) to the dosing system. It has a capacity of 250 kg and takes up around 1 m² of space
Abra System 1500
Abra System 1500 is a fully automatic system for transporting abrasive (abrasive sand) to the dosing system. It has a capacity of 1500 kg and takes up around 1.5 m² of space