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  • Abrasiv | Wasserstrahlschneiden | Härtel Wasser

    "From experience in practice, made for practice." Waterjet cutting systems from Härtel Wasser Our high-quality waterjet cutting systems (waterjet cutters) are powerful and reliable, allowing you to meet your production needs quickly and achieve the waterjet cutting results you want. Innovative features such as automation and efficient cutting processes save you time and money when manufacturing parts. With our many years of experience in dealing with 2D/3D waterjet cutting systems, we will also find the optimal solution for your company, so that you can exploit your full potential with waterjet cutting. Funktionsweise des abrasiven Wasserstrahlschneidens Das abrasive Wasserstrahlschneiden basiert auf dem Prinzip des Wasserstrahlschneidens, bei dem ein intensiver Wasserstrahl erzeugt wird, um das Material zu durchschneiden. Im Fall des abrasiven Wasserstrahlschneidens wird dem Wasserstrahl eine Mischung aus Wasser und abrasiven Sand zugesetzt. Diese Partikel, aus Schneidmittel bestehen aus Granatsand (Rock oder Sea), erhöhen die Schneidekraft des Wasserstrahls erheblich. Je nach Schneidvorgang mit wenig Zusatz und beim Schneiden dicker Platten mit höhreren Zusatz. ​ Der Wasserstrahl wird durch eine Hochdruckpumpe erzeugt und dann über eine Schneiddüse auf das Werkstück gerichtet. Der hohe Druck des Wasserstrahls, kombiniert mit den abrasiven Partikeln, ermöglicht das präzise Schneiden des Materials. Dabei entsteht eine schmale Schnittfuge mit geringen Materialverlusten und geringer bis keiner Wärme-Entwicklung, da der Wasserstrahl kühlend wirkt. Vorteile des abrasiven Wasserstrahlschneidens Das abrasive Wasserstrahlschneiden bietet zahlreiche Vorteile gegenüber anderen Schneidverfahren. Einer der größten Vorteile ist die hohe Präzision. Durch die Verwendung eines feinen Wasserstrahls lassen sich komplexe Formen und feine Schnitte realisieren. Das Verfahren ist auch äußerst vielseitig einsetzbar, da nahezu jedes Material geschnitten werden kann, ohne dass es zu thermischen Verformungen oder Härteveränderungen kommt. Ein weiterer Vorteil ist die geringe Materialbeanspruchung. Da der Wasserstrahl nicht mit dem Werkstück in direktem Kontakt steht, kommt es zu keiner Verunreinigung oder Materialverschleiß. Zudem erzeugt das abrasive Wasserstrahlschneiden keine schädlichen Dämpfe oder Gase, wodurch es umweltfreundlich ist. ​ Außer bei Aluminium mit Si Mg ist auf eine Gasentwicklung zu achten. Anwendungsbereiche des abrasiven Wasserstrahlschneidens Das abrasiv Wasserstrahlschneiden findet in einer Vielzahl von Branchen Anwendung. In der Metallverarbeitung ermöglicht das Verfahren das präzise Schneiden von Blechen, Rohren und Profilen aus verschiedenen Metallen. Im Maschinenbau wird das abrasive Wasserstrahlschneiden häufig eingesetzt, um komplexe Bauteile präzise zu schneiden und bearbeiten. ​ Auch in der Automobilindustrie wird das Verfahren genutzt, um Teile aus Metall, Kunststoff und Verbundwerkstoffen zu schneiden. Im Bereich der Architektur und Bauindustrie ermöglicht das abrasive Wasserstrahlschneiden präzise Schnitte in Marmor, Granit und anderen Steinmaterialien für die Gestaltung von Fassaden, Bodenbelägen und dekorativen Elementen. Weitere Anwendungsbereiche umfassen die Luft- und Raumfahrt, wo das abrasive Wasserstrahlschneiden bei der Herstellung von Komponenten für Flugzeuge und Raumfahrzeuge Impressum Datenschutz _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_ AGB © 2022 Hard Water. Created by HRTL Concept

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  • Härtel HD-Pumpen | 22 kW 4150 bar | Härtel Wasser

    Hard high-pressure pumps Hardener SHDL-22 theHardener SHDL-22 High-pressure pump is an optimal high-pressure pump with 22 kW at 4,150 bar. Clear and easily accessible when maintenance is due. This is manufactured in Europe and components from well-known manufacturers, such asH2O , Parker, Siemens and others. Ideal for small companies cutting material up to 20 mm in steel. For individual parts, sample production or small series. Vocational schools, technical universities, prototyping, tool making, universities or wherever material analyzes and welds have to be checked. Also excellent for cutting non-ferrous metals and pure water. Technical data for the Steady HD Line 22 performance data Motor power 22 kW Pressure range 400 - 4,150 bar Flow rate of 2.2 l/min ​ Nozzles up to 0.01" / 0.254 mm Furnishing Remote control via Haertel P 886 10 pressure levels Oil - Air Cooling Siemens electric motor Parker hydraulic pump PLC control further equipment Automatic vent valve as a safety element that depressurizes the HP hose when the pump is stopped. Internal diagnostic system that stops the pump if the limits are exceeded 9 pressure levels footprint max. Depth 1 300mm Max. Width 1 800mm maximum height 1 300 mm ​ maximum weight 1 600 kg The front is provided with a plexiglass pane. Can be opened easily from the front. It is extremely user-friendly and low-maintenance. Others have seen it too Fokussierrohre Fokussierrohre in allen Größen und in Qualität P 50 / P 100 sowie P 500. Abrasiv Sand, MESH Abraclean mobil Mobile Entschlammungsanlage zum Reinigen der Wasserstrahlschneidanlage vom abrasiv Sand.

  • Abraclean Stationär | Härtel Wasser

    Abraclean sludge suction system Efficient stationary solution under €20,000 They should use our mud suction system to achieve efficient waterjet cutting. This is made entirely of high-quality components from well-known manufacturers. This saves you a lot of time during maintenance. At 3 m², it only takes up a small amount of space. You can also implement them if you have several cutting systems in use. Technical specifications electrical data Operating voltage: 230V/50Hz Operating voltage of the output circuits: 24V AC El. Power consumption: 200W Degree of protection: IP 65 Operating temperature range: + 5 ° C to + 40 ° C space requirement Length 1,850mm Width 1,370mm Height 2,300mm ​ Net weight about 700 kg big bag Size is 900 x 900 x 1100mm ​ water permeable stable execution compressed air Air consumption: 1500 l/min Working pressure range: 0.4~0.6Mpa BFT ECOTRON 40.37 Sludge suction system for water jet cutters Abraclean dirt suction system, you can easily free the steel pool of your water steel cutter. Through a big bag hanging above. Why do you need an Abraclean II desludging system? The desludging system is used to remove abrasive material (garnet) from the tank of the water jet cutting system. Because of this they have ​ no time interruptions during production. Abrasive sand deposits in the cutting basin are eliminated. No physical exertion, as the basin is emptied manually. No expensive external services for sludge suction. The desludging plant is operated with compressed air and effectively removes the particles from the water. Other smaller material particles up to 3 mm in size can also be removed. The base body is a welded steel construction. All important controls are at working height. Here we are also talking about membrane pumps, waste water pumps and hydrocyclone devices. In the catching device are the suction heads, which are made of stainless steel. Through this, the water and the Garnet is sucked out. This is then conveyed by the compressed air to the hydrocyclone device and here the separation of water and other materials takes place. This desludging plant works solidly and requires little maintenance. ​ Video Abraclean sludge suction system The water is conveyed to a makeshift trough and the other materials are directed into the big bag hanging above. The residual water in the big bag also drains into the makeshift tub. If the big bag is full, it can easily be exchanged for a new one. Why a system with big bags hanging on top? The big bag hanging above in the Abraclean II has significant advantages over other mobile systems from well-known manufacturers. With the other system, the big bag is permanently in the water and the weight is at least 50% higher when it is removed. ​ They then put this extremely wet big bag back in the corner of the hall or outside in the yard. When the truck comes to dispose of the Garnet, the loading weight may be 30% - 50% higher. As a result, they also have higher disposal and transport costs. Big bags 90 x 90 x 110 cm In the sludge extraction system, we use standard big bags measuring 90 x 90 x 110 cm. These are uncoated (water permeable) and have 4 loops. Version closed at the bottom. Article number: 470-1090110-0

  • Wasserstrahlschneider | Ultimate 3 | Härtel Wasser

    ultimate 3 Easy to program Robust construction Precise cutting 3-axis 2D Do you have any questions? Call us on 0212 -38 216 571 or use our chat Specifications for the Ultimate 3 table width Width 1,000 / 1,500 / 2,000 mm ​ Repeat - Accuracy +/- 0.03mm table length All sizes between 2,000 to 10,000mm* positional accuracy +/- 0.05mm Z axis Standard 100mm optionally 200 or 300 mm procedure speed 30.0 m/min Clever leasing / hire purchase Control P 886 Materials / Patterns application Standard equipment Z axis motorized 100 mm CNC work table (own software) Table load 500 kg/m² water stopper position laser servo motors Precision planetary gears 3-axis cutting head H2O JET Sapphire or diamond cutting nozzle height sensor collision protection precise dosing system Abrasive filling container 250 kg 24 months warranty - Optional accessories reinforced Z-axis Z axis 200 or 300 mm Abrasive filling container 1,500 kg Harden WIZARD 3 Pro with nesting Table load 800 kg/m² High pressure pumps BFT U axis (pipe cutting device) desludging system water treatment system Sheet metal shelving up to 2,200 x 3,200 mm Big Bag Shelf (single / duo) We offer with theultimate 3 - series of reliable and precise water jet cutters. Which have different accuracies depending on customer needs. We want them to find their contact point with us. Our individual and powerful waterjet cutting systems can cut a wide range of materials. By cutting with pure water or abrasive sand. And can be expanded with extensive accessories according to your cutting task. ​ With the seriesultimate 3 we present from Härtel Wasser, a well-engineered, reliablewater jet cutting machine . The advantage here is stability, handling and accuracy.servo motors andPrecision Planetary Gears are default. The comfortable and easy-to-use control with an extensive database. Which you can expand at any time. The whole thing is rounded off by a maintenance-free system and our premium service. dosing system Our precision dosing system can be used in any cutting system. It is equipped with a manual potentiometer that is used to set the desired amount of abrasive. The abrasive flow for piercing can be changed in the software. When cutting, a sensor ensures more precise dosing of the abrasive material through light and sound signalling. Also improved protection against water ingress in the dosing system. Thanks to its unique construction, there are no parts to wear out during the cutting process! Precise guidance of the portal Precise guidance of the portal / bridge characterizes all of our cutting systems. And guarantees long-term, good results when used. Function of the height sensor Height sensor automatically monitors the optimal distance between the robust semi-finished product and the cutting beam when cutting, potentiometer sensor is used to maintain the correct distance. Another important feature is protection against lateral impact of the cutting jet if part of the semi-finished product or cutout gets stuck during lateral movement or there is an obstacle in the zone of jet movement that could cause jet breakage. It is possible to equip a new cutting table with a height sensor. It is also possible to add a height sensor to older installed worktables from other manufacturers Others have seen it too Fokussierrohre Fokussierrohre in allen Größen und in Qualität P 50 / P 100 sowie P 500. Abrasiv Sand, MESH Abraclean mobil Mobile Entschlammungsanlage zum Reinigen der Wasserstrahlschneidanlage vom abrasiv Sand. ERIE Wasserenthärter

  • Wasserstrahlschneidanlagen | Aus Erfahrung | Härtel Wasser

    "Aus Erfahrung in der Praxis, hergestellt für die Praxis." Waterjet cutting systems from Härtel Wasser Sie planen eine Anschaffung einer neuen Wasserstrahlschneidanlage? Mehr verfügbare Kapazität für wichtige eigene Teile, Produktion-Erweiterung soll entstehen? Dann treffen Sie mit dem Wasserstrahlschneidanlagen-Experten Härtel Wasser genau die richtige Wahl. Ob eine einfache, schnelle 2D Wasserstrahlschneidanlage oder eine individuelle 3D-Wasserstrahlschneidanlage für hohe Ansprüche: Härtel Wasser liefert passgenaue Lösungen zum fairen Preis. Profitieren Sie von den Vorteilen eines hochwertigen, präzisen Maschinenbau mit über 30 Jahre Erfahrung. Water jet cutter tailored to your requirements. Your satisfaction is our main priority. That's why our motto is ​ ​ "From experience in practice, made for practice." ​ ​ ​ Years of experience, high-quality components, high availability in production round off the quality of our cutting systems. What does your manufacturing range look like? Edelstahl, 10 mm Wasserstrahl schneiden, einer Materialdicke von 10 mm Edelstahl und mehr ALU-Schnitt 50 mm Stahlplatte Edelstahl 1 mm Glas-Schnitt 10 mm FE-Schnitt 60 mm Let's talk about it to discuss where their priorities are. What is to be manufactured on the waterjet cutting system and in which lot sizes. Or are we talking about individual parts and small series for personal use? Just take 15-30 minutes to talk to us. In order to determine the diverse application possibilities in your company.. Be one step ahead of the others. 24-month warranty, components from well-known manufacturers in the EU, USA and Japan. Engine technology from DE. Robust construction, precise and clean cut. Water jet cutting systems, with high availability, create the desired result for you. ​ We value quality. And you? Hardener Compact 2D / 3D strong in the smallest space. to the Compact 2D - 3D overview Hard table systems up to 60 m in 3D to the overview of 3D table systems Hard table systems up to 12 m in 2D to the overview of 2D table systems hard water water jet cutting systems Quality, from practical experience. Quality is our mission at Härtel Wasser . We're committed to your satisfaction, delivering exactly what you need, when you need it. Our customers in industry value working with us. We offer water jet cutting systems that are built to be stable, modern, reliable and precise. Contact us to get a first impression and start a cooperation. ​ We at Team Härtel are there for you + Learn more U-axis 2D / 3D for cutting round and square material. consultation and demonstration I am a piece of text. Click here to add your own text and edit me. + Learn more Furnishing cutting systems I am a piece of text. Click here to add your own text and edit me. + Learn more Service - wearing parts I am a piece of text. Click here to add your own text and edit me. + Learn more Clever leasing / hire purchase application Materials / Patterns Alex Kern Haertel Ultimate 5 (3D / 5-axis) at a special price Supreme easy 3 ultimate 5 Would you like to find out more? Härtel Wasser is proud to be the leading provider in the industry. Years of experience (over 30 years) and competent employees are our recipe for success. Every decision we make is driven by our mission to maintain the highest quality and provide expert customer service. In an industry that is changing rapidly, it is important to remain flexible and adapt to changing conditions. We're working on it. Continually. Take a look at our products and send us your questions. We look forward to your inquiry. We work closely with our clients, providing them with exceptional consulting services specifically tailored to their needs. Get in touch with us to get results as quickly as possible. ​ + Free consultation CAD CAM program Special CAD CAM program including nesting software for water jet cutting LearnMore abrasive sand in top quality Only top quality enables you to achieve top results. LearnMore hard water recommends this accessory Work like a pro with this accessory. E-mail: Mobile desludging plant Price hit 10% discount Sporadic use, via compressed air, for water jet cutting systems, suction lance. list price€9,750 net. Plus transportation view accessories Camera allows to take pictures of the cutting area. You can use this to place the cutting program. This simplifies the process considerably. ​ Contact us. optical camera Eichenstr. 65, 42659 Solingen, Germany Phone: +49 (0)212 38 216 571 Impressum Datenschutz _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_ AGB © 2022 Hard Water. Created by HRTL Concept

  • Wasserstrahlschneider | Ultra speed 3 | Härtel Wasser

    Ultra speed 3 Control P 886 application Materials / Patterns Technical data for the Ultra speed 3 table size 1,000 x 2,000mm 2,000 x 10,000mm* Z axis Standard 100mm optionally 200 or 300 mm procedure speed 120.0 m/min Repeat - Accuracy +/- 0.02mm Standard equipment Z axis motorized 100 mm CNC work table (own software) Table load 500 kg/m² water stopper position laser servo motors Precision planetary gears 3-axis cutting head H2O JET Sapphire or diamond cutting nozzle height sensor collision protection precise dosing system Abrasive filling container 250 kg 24 months warranty - Optional accessories reinforced Z-axis Abrasive filling container 1,500 kg Harden WIZARD 3 Pro with nesting Table load 800 kg/m² High pressure pumps BFT further portal with cutting heads can be used U axis (pipe cutting device) desludging system water treatment system Sheet metal shelving up to 2,200 x 3,200 mm Big Bag Shelf (single / duo) With the Speed 3 series we offer reliable and precise water jet cutters. Which have different accuracies depending on customer needs. We want them to find their contact point with us. Our individual and powerfulPrecision waterjet cutting systems can cut a wide range of materials. By cutting with pure water or abrasive sand. You can expand these according to your cutting task with a wide range of accessories. ​ With the seriesUltra speed 3 we present from Härtel Wasser, a precise, reliablewater jet cutting machine . Extremely fast with a travel speed of120 m/min and max. working speed of90 m/min . Here the advantage is stability, precision.servo motors andPrecision Planetary Gears are default. The comfortable and easy-to-use control with an extensive database. Which you can expand at any time. The whole thing is rounded off by an interesting price and a maintenance-free cutting system.

  • Wasserstrahlschneider | Speed 3 | Härtel Wasser

    speed 3 Clever leasing / hire purchase Control P 886 Materials / Patterns application Technical data for the Speed 3 table width Width 1,000 / 1,500 / 2,000 / 3,000 / 4,000 / 4,500 mm ​ Repeat - Accuracy +/- 0.03mm table length Length 2,000 / 3,000 / 4,000 / 6,000 / 8,000 / 10,000 mm* positional accuracy +/- 0.04mm Z axis Standard 100mm optionally 200 or 300 mm procedure speed 20.0 m/min Standard equipment Z axis motorized 200 mm CNC work table (own software) Table load 500 kg/m² water stopper position laser servo motors Precision planetary gears 3-axis cutting head H2O JET Sapphire or diamond cutting nozzle height sensor collision protection precise dosing system Abrasive filling container 250 kg 24 months warranty - Optional accessories reinforced Z-axis Abrasive filling container 1,500 kg Harden WIZARD 3 Pro with nesting Table load 800 kg/m² High pressure pumps BFT further portal with cutting heads can be used U axis (pipe cutting device) desludging system water treatment system Sheet metal shelving up to 2,200 x 3,200 mm Big Bag Shelf (single / duo) With the Speed 3 series we offer reliable and precise water jet cutters. Which have different accuracies depending on customer needs. We want them to find their contact point with us. Our individual and powerfulPrecision waterjet cutting systems can cut a wide range of materials. By cutting with pure water or abrasive sand. You can expand these according to your cutting task with a wide range of accessories. ​ With the seriesspeed 3 we present from Härtel Wasser, a well-engineered, reliablewater jet cutting machine . Here the advantage is stability, precision.servo motors andPrecision Planetary Gears are default. The comfortable and easy-to-use control with an extensive database. Which you can expand at any time. The whole thing is rounded off by an interesting price and a maintenance-free cutting system. Others have seen it too Fokussierrohre Fokussierrohre in allen Größen und in Qualität P 50 / P 100 sowie P 500. Abrasiv Sand, MESH Abraclean mobil Mobile Entschlammungsanlage zum Reinigen der Wasserstrahlschneidanlage vom abrasiv Sand. ERIE Wasserenthärter Speed 3 with large worktables Working table 3000 x 6000 mm Working table 3000 x 12000 mm

  • Surpreme easy 3 | 2D Wasserstrahlschneider | Härtel Wasser

    Surpreme easy 3 Arbeitstisch 2000 x 3000 mm Outstandingly easy to use Überragend einfach, mitzuarbeiten robust construction, precise cutting attraktives CLEVER LEASING Technical data for the Supreme easy 3 table width Width 1,000 / 1,500 / 2,000 mm ​ Repeat - Accuracy +/- 0.03mm table length Length 2,000 / 3,000 / 4,000 / 6,000 / 8,000 / 10,000 mm* positional accuracy +/- 0.08mm Z axis Standard 100mm optionally 200 or 300 mm procedure speed 30.0 m/min Standard equipment Z axis motorized 100 mm CNC work table (own software) Table load 500 kg/m² water stopper position laser servo motors Precision planetary gears 3-axis cutting head H2O JET Sapphire or diamond cutting nozzle height sensor collision protection precise dosing system Abrasive filling container 250 kg 24 months warranty - Optional accessories reinforced Z-axis Z-axis optionally with 200 or 300 mm Abrasive filling container 1,500 kg Harden WIZARD 3 Pro with nesting Table load 800 kg/m² High pressure pumps BFT U axis (pipe cutting device) desludging system water treatment system Sheet metal shelving up to 2,200 x 3,200 mm Big Bag Shelf (single / duo) We offer with theSupreme easy 3 - series of reliable and precise water jet cutters. Which have different accuracies depending on customer needs. We want them to find their contact point with us. Our individual and powerful waterjet cutting systems can cut a wide range of materials. By cutting with pure water or abrasive sand. And can be expanded with extensive accessories according to your cutting task. ​ With the seriesSupreme easy 3 we present from Härtel Wasser, a well-engineered, reliablewater jet cutting machine . The advantage here is the stable construction and precise cut. CNC controlled work table available in all sizes. The comfortable and easy-to-use control with an extensive database. Which you can expand at any time. The whole thing is rounded off by a very interesting price and our premium service. dosing system Our precision dosing system can be used in any cutting system. It is equipped with a manual potentiometer that is used to set the desired amount of abrasive. The abrasive flow for piercing can be changed in the software. When cutting, a sensor ensures more precise dosing of the abrasive material through light and sound signalling. Also improved protection against water ingress in the dosing system. Thanks to its unique construction, there are no parts to wear out during the cutting process! Precise guidance of the portal Precise guidance of the portal / bridge characterizes all of our cutting systems. And guarantees long-term, good results when used. Function of the height sensor Height sensor automatically monitors the optimum distance between the robust semi-finished product and the cutting beam when cutting, potentiometer sensor is used to maintain the correct distance. Another important feature is protection against lateral impact of the cutting jet if part of the semi-finished product or cutout gets stuck during lateral movement or there is an obstacle in the zone of jet movement that could cause jet breakage. It is possible to equip a new cutting table with a height sensor. It is also possible to add a height sensor to older installed worktables from other manufacturers Others have seen it too Fokussierrohre Fokussierrohre in allen Größen und in Qualität P 50 / P 100 sowie P 500. Abrasiv Sand, MESH Abraclean mobil Mobile Entschlammungsanlage zum Reinigen der Wasserstrahlschneidanlage vom abrasiv Sand. ERIE Wasserenthärter

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