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Waterjet cutting system Härtel Waterjet
each one a multi-talent

2023-05-26 Openhouse Härtel Water

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Waterjet cutting systems that convince

What distinguishes Härtel Wasser from other manufacturers? Simply put, encouragement and motivation, always with an eye on success. Härtel Wasser works with you to develop the right package of water jet cutting systems. Waterjet cutting technology can also be environmentally friendly. Fill out the contact form below from information and let's get started!

Our customer advisors are there for you.

At Härtel Wasser we do everything we can to ensure that our customers are happy with our work. We have been offering standard and customized waterjet cutting systems since the year we were founded. We walked them through some of their key decisions and supported them throughout the process.

We argue with quality, processing of the best materials and profiles, components from well-known manufacturers,Engine technology from Germany, remote maintenance tool and 24-month warranty.

Customer care and service

Verschleißteile Wasserstrahl

Allconsumables and consumablescan be delivered at short notice via Härtel Wasser. In doing so, we pass on price advantages directly to the customer based on valid framework conditions with the corresponding manufacturers. The user can concentrate on his tasks.

Our customers are offered the best possible support. Our premium service is always there for you and organizes one. The range of services, which is graded in terms of price and content, offers customers suitable support right through to fast service with a short response time.

Water jet cutting vs machining

The cutting performance of the water jet cutting systems is up to 20 times faster compared to wire EDM. This gives you the best chance of being purchased as a replacement investment by users of wire sorting machines in the future. Depending on the material and workpiece height, the accuracies that can be achieved are usually +/- 0.007 to +/- 0.1 mm, when using the swivel head up to +/- 0.07 mm.

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