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Ihre Experten für Wasserstrahlschneidanlagen Härtel Wasser

Abrasive waterjet cutting is a high-precision process that is widely used in various industries. The combination of a water pressure of 4,000 or 6,000 bar and abrasive sand produces a fine abrasive water jet.

This technology enables the cutting of almost all materials, from metals such as steel and stainless steel to stone, glass and plastics.

The finer and more fragile the material, such as glass or marble, the finer and more precise the cutting will be.

How abrasive waterjet cutting works

Abrasive, Sand, Garnet, Corundum, 25 kg, Bag, Packaging, Garnet
Schneiddüsen, Saphir, Diamant,

Abrasive waterjet cutting is based on the principle of water jet cutting, where an intense jet of water is generated to cut through the material. In the case of abrasive waterjet cutting, a mixture of water and abrasive sand is added to the water jet. These particles, made of abrasive material consisting of garnet sand (rock or sea), significantly increase the cutting power of the water jet. Depending on the cutting process, a little additive is used and when cutting thick plates, a higher additive is used.

The water jet is generated by a high-pressure pump and then directed at the workpiece via a cutting nozzle. The high pressure of the water jet, combined with the abrasive particles, enables the material to be cut precisely. This creates a narrow cutting gap with little material loss and little to no heat development, as the water jet has a cooling effect.

Advantages of abrasive waterjet cutting

Abrasive waterjet cutting offers numerous advantages over other cutting processes. One of the biggest advantages is the high precision. By using a fine waterjet, complex shapes and fine cuts can be achieved. The process is also extremely versatile, as almost any material can be cut without thermal deformation or changes in hardness.

Another advantage is the low stress on the material.

Since the water jet is not in direct contact with the workpiece, there is no contamination or material wear. In addition, abrasive water jet cutting does not produce any harmful fumes or gases, making it environmentally friendly.

Except for aluminium with Si Mg, attention must be paid to gas evolution.

Applications of abrasive waterjet cutting

abrasive, material, waterjet cutting, premium, quality,

Abrasive waterjet cutting is used in a wide range of industries. In metal processing, the process enables the precise cutting of sheets, pipes and profiles made of various metals. In mechanical engineering, abrasive waterjet cutting is often used to precisely cut and machine complex components.

The process is also used in the automotive industry to cut parts made of metal, plastic and composite materials. In the architecture and construction industry, abrasive waterjet cutting enables precise cuts in marble, granite and other stone materials for the design of facades, floor coverings and decorative elements.

Other areas of application include aerospace, where abrasive waterjet cutting is used in the manufacture of components for aircraft and spacecraft

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